Adhesive capacity analysis
The purpose of the adhesive capacity analysis is to determine if adhesive reinforcement can be applied to the construction in question and which materials and possible pre-treatment may be required for this. First, the evenness and strength of the surface that the adhesive reinforcement
It is essential that adhesive reinforcement is applied to the construction in the correct way.
must be applied to is determined.
After all, for maximum utilization of the strength of the carbon fibers a completely even and level surface is required. If the surface is not even or level to a sufficient extent, this needs to be leveled first.
Secondly, the adhesion strength of the surface is determined, so it may become clear which glue must be used to apply the adhesive reinforcement. Surfaces will differ in adhesion strength, so it may happen that a standard glue will not be powerful enough and another, stronger glue may be necessary.
Finally, the dew point of the surface that the adhesive reinforcement must be applied to is determined. Based on this it may be assessed how great the chances are of condensation forming. This may seriously affect the quality of the work, which is why the dew point is one of the important factors that needs to be considered when applying adhesive reinforcement.