
Carbon fiber adhesive reinforcement may be used to reinforce armored concrete parts, to increase the supporting capacities of the loaded elements. The increased bending capacity results into smaller deflections and a reduction of structural cracks.

Solution glue adhesive reinforcement    Solution glue adhesive reinforcement
If adhesive reinforcement is the solution, we can provide it.

Carbon is much lighter than steel and it has a ten times higher tensile strength.
Ervas offers two types of carbon fiber adhesive reinforcement: carbon fiber laminates and carbon fiber sheets. Both types are available in various versions, enabling application of carbon fiber adhesive reinforcement in various situations. The advantages of carbon fiber adhesive reinforcement are:

  • high stiffness (150 – 250 GPa)
  • high tensile strength (approximately 2000 – 2500 MPa)
  • not sensitive to corrosion
  • maintenance-free
  • great wear resistance
  • light weight: easily and quickly installed